Wednesday, 20 May 2009

You are not supposed to watch this!

So... today I was doing nothing much, watching TV. Or more like cruising trough the different channels, for long enough to realise that one hundred or so channels is way too much─especially since they all suck─, but somehow I found myself staring at the box during a show called Parental Control (or something of the order). And that really got me thinking: I then realised there is a great social programme underway.
In case you don't know, Parental Control is a show in which people (young ones) with partners (boyfriend/girlfriend) date other people chosen by their parents. Based on the premise that their current 'significant others' are insanely moronic, and their parents just can't stand them any longer. Thus, they somehow are persuaded into 'dating' three other insanely moronic people (but whom their parents like), and then decide whether they keep their old partner or change for a brand new model. This is called Reality TV.
Of course, it isn't. There is not one thing realistic about it─let's be honest─, and the way people show their 'characteristics' is just ludicrous. Today we had a bloke whose parents hated his girlfriend, who was one of those spit-talkers... and as you might guess, at the time she was talking to the camera, I seriously believed I could drown to death. Seriously. She also had a teddy bear, whom (yes, WHOM) she treated like a real person ─of course, many people treat pets in the same way... but that does not mean they are not stupid as well. The point is that the acting was horrible, and I mean everyone's. They just sucked at 4000W, Braun-style. And that got me to think: bad idea, terrible morals, revolting acting... who on earth would want to watch this? And the answer sprung up like a mad frog on meth: Retarded people!
Yes. The government ─yours, mine, somebody's, I haven't narrowed it down yet...─ has been, for quite some time, slowly (but steadily) introducing entertainment for mentally retarded people. In some networks, the change has been perhaps more radical, as you might notice in MTV's 'evolution' throughout the last 20 years. But the trend is there: more shows, for morons, by morons!
Of course, don't be alarmed: this does not mean you have to watch such shows! No, this only means the availability of shows for people with intelligence above a sperm cell has decreased a bit, but all for a good reason: retards have more shows to choose from! And that's democracy: the fact that retards are a minority ─I am beginning to doubt this assumption though─ does not mean their necessities should not be addressed, they must have their own shows. Think that many years ago the only entertainment they got was in the form of a circus ─or film theatre, where I suspect they now have important representatives not only in the form of actors and critics, but also producers and directors...

Anyway... Cheers to the morons on the rise!

PS: I really miss the days when the lettre M in MTV stood for Music... even if it was the cheap kind. Wait, now that I remember, I used to watch V or MuchMusic in those days...