Every now and then we find what could generally be called WAKING FUCKING NIGHTMARES. Luckily, this once, I didn't.
My sisters did. No, actually, my sister's boyfriend's CAR did... and they heard the CRUNCHY sound from WITHIN the car... Yes.
They were kind enough to keep it for me... knowing about my love/hate feeling towards the scariest animals on earth. Of, course, they wouldn't just tell me... they had to stick it on a paper, fold it, as to render it invisible from the outside... and stick a SURPRISE GIFT sign on the outside.
It didn't frighten me though... I somehow expected something SO WICKED when I was about to open it!
As you can see from the coin, it's pretty large. Spiders here ARE pretty large in general, I wish someone would have told me before I moved. And FAST. Trust me, spiders here are SCARILY fast.
Oh, for reference, that's a $1AR coin, which is larger (quite) than an american quarter. Sadly, the spider is no more, I only kept the pictures, but I can't quite see the eyes' form, so identifying it is quite difficult. Any help? It looks lycosidaeish, but that's just a wild guess. The eyes WOULD help A LOT...
Anyway... Cheers!

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